Sunday, July 12, 2009

Work and Jobs

Well, as usual by this time of the month I can hardly stand my job. And this year more than others. Previous years I just got sick and tired of cleaning rooms over and over again, and I hated doing "projects" even more. Projects are no fun at all. This year we have the added drama of a feud of sorts going on. Basically our crew has divided into different factions. The faction I don't belong in blames us for goofing off too much and not working as hard as they are. They, however, are not working as hard because they are valuing the quantity of their work over their quality. Case and point, they did a job that in the past has taken the same number of people most of the morning in 2 hours. However, when our group inspected the job they had done, we found something wrong with every single thing they "cleaned." One of us even remarked that one of our projects could be going around and picking up their slack.

Anyway, this rant about custodial work leads me to this thought: I cannot work another summer at that school. And, if things go as planned, I never will. Next 2 summers will be spent on my mission and when I get back I plan to spend that summer taking classes to catch back up to where I wanted to be school wise by fall of 2012. Then by summer '13 I'll have 3 years of school under my belt which should be more than enough to get an internship of some sort for that summer or even a research job. I can actually spend my time working on engineering. I absolutely cannot wait for that because I can finally get paid to do things that I love doing instead of cleaning a school. I really hope all goes according to plan. I really do not think I can take another summer of custodial work. I truly do not understand the type of person who can make a career out of this.

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