Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Things I Don't Understand

There are a few things that I really don't understand that I wanted to get off my chest.

1st off is a bit more light hearted than the rest. What's up with the slipper shoes that are popular among girls these day? They're possibly less of a shoe than flip flops. But since they "cover" some of the foot, girls are wearing them in the winter. But these "shoes" ridiculous. They are very thin, so feet must be sore from walking around all the time. No foot support at all. So these shoes fail at the two main purposes of shoes. The only thing left is how they look, which is objective, so I can claim that it really "fails." However, I don't think they look that good, so I just don't understand them.

Next, why do people seem to think that open mindedness equals accepting all new ideas? Disagreeing with an idea is not close mindedness. Often times, it is intelligence! There is no good reason to accept a bad idea. How is that close minded? If I don't agree with a lifestyle, that isn't close mindedness. Close mindedness is prejudice. It is refusing to change view points with new information (global warming activists come to mind). If there is a good reason to change my position on an issue, then I will change. People seem to define not changing period as close mindedness, which is obviously not true. You can be open minded and still maintain relatively identical beliefs. I believe the cliche goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Being open minded means figuring out if it is broken or not and acting accordingly.

3rd thing: Why is racism from minorities tolerated? Especially when said racism is against whites? I say this thinking back to Obama's inauguration and the comments made in the benediction (here it is if you've never heard/read it). That prayer angered me for two reasons: 1st, the blatant racism. Yeah, it might seem all nice and humorous, until you get to the white part. While I did not see the inauguration when it happened, every repeat of that event I did see cut out before the white part. If everyone was taking it in such good humor as the wikipedia article claims, why not show it? Also, the fact that everyone in attendance seemed to take it in "good humor" is biased. Most people in support of Obama seem to have the "Oh look at how far we've come in electing a black man" mentality. Not taking the statement in good humor means admitting we haven't come that far at all, but even possibly in the wrong direction. I'm not saying we've taken steps backwards. More that the destination is in the North and we're headed Northeast. The 2nd reason the prayer bothered me was that is was a prayer. Racist or not, a prayer is not a time for jokes. You should not be pausing in a prayer so everyone can laugh. That is disrespectful, a mockery of religious principles, and downright rude. I know that even the church tries to teach that people can't offend that I can only take offense, but that doesn't make what he said ok. Tolerance of wrong doing only leads to greater wrong doing (boiling a frog).

While this is not a thing I don't understand, but it is rather odd, I must say that the only new source I trust these days is direct feed of events, or The Daily Show. Jon Stewart may not seem to take things seriously, but he has the least biased "reporter" I've ever seen. If people are being stupid, he's gonna make fun of them. Doesn't matter who they are.