Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gaming Rant

I find myself annoyed with many aspects of modern day gaming, especially in the mainstream. I was reading through and stumbled upon their original Ocarina of Time review. After reading through this, I've noticed that a lot of elements that led to the perfect 10 score are not what factor into games' scores today.

The review mentions that while the game is very linear, you still have the ability to explore as you move through it. I've seen so many games getting 7-8's that have similar linearity to OoT. However, as part of the reasoning for the lower score, the linearity is mentioned.

Graphics. Oh graphics. The bane of all Nintendo hard cores. Obviously it is a little unfair to compare N64 era graphics to modern times. However, I'm sick of the HD standard. I'm sorry, but only an idiot would deny that games like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brothers Brawl are gorgeous. Yes, technically they are not HD. But HD is not always good. I go to Gamestop and the PS3 display hurts my eyes. Yes, it is "excellent" HD graphics, but the demos on display are not visually pleasing. My favorite phrase for HD gaming is to say that a piece of poo is still a piece of poo no matter how good it looks. If a game as good game play, graphics are something that can easily be over looked. Now, don't misunderstand me. I currently have a 360 in my care and I am anxious to play it on my parents HD tv. I don't enjoy that we live in a time where only those who grew up with simpler games will even touch a non HD game.

Sequel. Many sequels get harped these days for being too similar to their predecessors. However, Ocarina was praised for sticking to its roots. Contradictions from what once made a 10/10 game to why a game gets a lower score.

Anyway, I could go on more but I've grown bored and want to play Guitar Hero now (Cody bought world tour ^_^)