Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well I'm pretty bored right now. So rather than pay attention in chemistry, I started a blog! Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? Very very good idea.....


I'm Nick. You probably knew that already. I'm a freshman here at Utah State University. I enjoy playing video games and surfing the net mindlessly. As much as I am on the internet, you think I might have started a decent blog on here much sooner than I already did. I guess I let the paranoia get to me. A lot of people, including some of the professors here at USU, seem to be thinking lately that you need to be careful what you say on a blog because future employers may look up the blog. However, it makes me wonder how they can prove that this is the same person. I could have just made a blog and called myself Cody Haslem or Allen Stephens! (they're my roommates) I can understand how an employer might be looking up things about their employees to know more about the true nature of their potential employees, however it is my opinion that a web log is not the best place to look.

I also wonder what things employers are looking for that they would find in a blog.... I mean, are you looking to see if someone is calling themselves a communist or something? I'm not, but.... I can't think of much that would really be that crucial an employer that they would find in a blog.

Lastly, will I actually update this on a regular basis or will this be the only existing post? Only time will tell!