Sunday, May 24, 2009


I have come to a realization: I am a person who needs a desk. I had a desk in my apartment up in Logan. I was always at my desk. My computer sat on it, I ate all my meals at it, and I used my chair to watch TV or play video games. And I really preferred it. I definitely like using a mouse more than the track pad on the laptop. That's the whole reason I purchased a wireless USB mouse in the first place. It's really hard to use a mouse on the couch. I also enjoy having drawers to keep folders and papers in and more importantly pens and pencils. The drawers is why using a table with my laptop just doesn't seem to cut it. It's not going to be much of a worry in a few weeks, but when I've finished college and am ready to find a place to live I will need to definitely need to have some sort of office with a desk that I can use. I won't be able to do much if I don't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Desk!! i always depend on it...
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