Friday, March 13, 2009

Wasted Break

I've wasted a LOT of time this break. I've played Half Life, Guitar Hero, and Assassin's Creed. I have NOT done any homework. Which is not good. Most of my classes had some form of homework over the break (all except one). And guess what? I haven't touched a single thing! That's really not good. I should start getting to work. Physics is due first on Sunday night. I'll probably do that tomorrow. Then math and half of Engineering Graphics is due Tuesday so I'll do those Sunday/Monday. The other half of Engineering Graphics is due on Thursday. So that on Tuesday and Wednesday. Will I follow this schedule? Honestly, probably not. Physics will probably been done Sunday night. Math/graphics on Monday night/Tuesday morning and the other half of the graphics stuff will likely get done late Wednesday night. I'm such a fool when it comes to those things. *sigh* oh well

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